Welcome to the Mattress Selection Guide. In a few steps you will be able to choose a suitable mattress according to your requirements.
We are not a classic shop - you can try the mattresses with our salesmen in SR and the Czech Republic.
Materasso Slovakia Oravské Veselé 850, 029 62
Phone: +421 907 028 155 Email: materasso@materasso.sk
IBAN: SK51 7500 0000 0040 2102 1802 SWIFT: CEKOSKBX
Adress: Oravské Veselé 612, 029 62 IČO: 36405116 DIČ: 2020129969 IČ DPH: SK2020129969
If you have any questions please write to us, we will send you a reply within 24 working hours
507 6480-3265 bfernandez@materassopanama.com
Luxurious beds with tomorrow's tradition
Sleeping solution
Hotel Collection