MattressSandwich Compare

PREZIDENT extra lux 20 T3

Collection Materasso

A popular firmer sandwich mattress reinforced in the centre with a layer of natural coconut fibre. The NIGHTFLY foam on the surface provides plenty of comfort for a good rest. The Aloe Vera cover can be washed up to 60 degrees C. Comes in the thickness of either 16 or 20 centimetres.

20 cm - 95 kg
Height Fyziosystem Capacity Hardness
Where to buy? Mattress upholstery fabric

Poťah ALOE VERA prešitý dutým PES vláknom, gramáž 200 g/m².

The core of the mattress
    – Komfortná mäkčená pena NIGHTFLY.– PUR-pena s hustotou 35 kg/m³.– prírodné kokosové vlákno.
Technical parameters
Collection Materasso
Height 20 cm
Fyziosystem -
Capacity 95 kg
Positionable grates No
Coverability of the coating Yes, 60°C
For health problems Allergy, Back pain,
Warranty (years) 3